Your contact at CyberForum
CyberForum e.V. organization is composed of a Board of Directors, Joint Board, Trustees Board and the CyberForum employees - the CyberTeam. Whether you have questions about the network, support to founders, recruiting or international projects - our CyberTeam is happy to answer you.
Our management represents the ICT industry and the digital site Karlsruhe - in other words, you and your interests.
Do you have questions or suggestions? Are you looking for contacts or ideas? We will be happy to help you further
Are you looking for press information, do you have questions about the figures, data and facts about CyberForum or our social media accounts? We are happy to help.
Event management
Would you like to visit one of our events or do you have any ideas for workshops and collaborations? We are your contact partner!

Evita Butkute
Auszubildende Kauffrau für Eventmanagement
0721.602 897-665
Personnel & recruiting
Are you looking for specialists or do you want to enter the IT branch as an apprentice, specialist or professional? We can offer you many services for specialists and recruiting.
Sie wollen Kindern und Jugendlichen Zugang zu technischen und informatischen Grundkenntnissen bieten und dabei z.B. als Sponsor von Technik-AG auftreten, bei unseren Feriencamps referieren oder auch Unternehmensbesuche anbieten? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.

Dr. Christiane Klobasa
Talents & Career
+49 721.602 897-27 | +49 7221.403 857-4
Business development
Are you interested in founding a business, would like to invest in one or have questions about founding and growing a company? We will be delighted to help you.
Innovation & Digital Ecosystems
Are you looking for exciting companies in Baden-Württemberg and a factual exchange about digitalization topics in all southwestern regions? We can connect you with the digital economy players in Baden-Württemberg.
Central organisation
We ensure that the CyberForum works. We make the network available to you, sometimes more behind the scenes.

Emil Willersinn
Auszubildender Kaufmann für Büromanagement
0721.602 897-660

Zeynep Aktas
Team Support
Economic support
We work closely with the City of Karlsruhe’s Economic Development Department to represent the interests of the IT sector even better. Your and our contact partner in the city.

Ralf Eichhorn
City of Karlsruhe Economic Development Department
+49 721.133-7340

Steffen Buhl
City of Karlsruhe Economic Development Department
+49 721.133-7343
The board of the CyberForum
Our board of directors consists of personalities from politics, economy and administration. The board is elected at the annual General Meeting and is responsible for the strategy.
Board of Directors

Markus Hennig
Board member
CEO Agile Partners GmbH

Ralf Schneider
Board member

Martin Hubschneider
Board member
CEO CAS Software AG

André Hellmann
Board member
CEO netzstrategen GmbH

Dr. Gerda Frank
Board member

Andrea Scholz
Board member
Director Wirtschaftsförderung Karlsruhe
Joint board

Robert Szilinski
Board member
CEO esentri AG

Antje Leminsky
Board member

Tobias Joch
Board member
CEO inovex GmbH

Andreas Thorwarth
Board member
Borad member Volksbank pur eG

Dr. Tom Schneider
Board member
CTO TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen SE + Co. KG

Matthias Hornberger
Chairman of the board
CEO Kizoo Technology Capital GmbH

Dirk Fox
Board member
CEO Secorvo Security Consulting GmbH

Marc Sesemann
Vorstand Sparkasse Karlsruhe

Dr. Sven R. Schmidt-Rohr
Board member
CEO ArtiMinds Robotics GmbH

Frank Roth
Board member
AppSphere AG

Richard Einstmann
Board member
CEO Bechtle GmbH & Co KG

Jan Kirchhoff
Geschäftsführer medicalvalues GmbH

Jan Wiesenberger
Board member
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

Dr. Iris Schwenk
Board member
CEO HQS Quantum Simulations GmbH

Dr. Arne Rudolph
Board member
Director IHK Karlsruhe

Jan Reichert
Board member
kr3m. media GmbH
The CyberForum Trustees Board
A Trustees Board was appointed to promote the interests of the association. The Board members are composed of up to ten people from politics, the economy and administration. Gabriele Luczak-Schwarz, Mayoress of the city Karlsruhe, is the Chair of this committee.
Her duties as Mayoress include finances, investments, economy and employment, city marketing, congresses, exhibitions, events, tourism, utilities, traffic and ports as well as area management.

Gabriele Luczak-Schwarz
Economic Mayor City of Karlsruhe

Anita Berres
Board of Trustees
Berres - Strategy & Kinesiology

Prof. Dr. Holger Hanselka
Board of Trustees
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Dr. Christoph Schnaudigel
Board of Trustees
District of Karlsruhe

Margret Mergen
Board of Trustees
Mayor City of Baden-Baden

Dr. Friedrich G. Hoepfner
Honorary Chairman CyberForum e.V.
Hoepfner Strategie

Cornelia Petzold-Schick
Board of Trustees
Mayor City of Bruchsal

Gabriele Calmbach-Hatz
Board of Trustees
Papier Fischer

Prof. Dr. Frank Artinger
Board of Trustees
Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences