IT training: A job with a future 

Which job is suitable for your own strengths? Simply applying is perhaps not the best method when it is about your own future. We offer an all-round package for IT enthusiasts who are prospective trainees: starting with tests and personal talks about suitable suggestions for professions up to placing with member companies that carry out training.

Why you should apply via CyberForum

We will give you access to numerous different training companies and to professions such as qualified IT specialist, IT system sales specialist, media designer and also sales professions.

Vocational guidance

We will look at which profession suits you in a personal talk

Application training

We will give you important tips to prepare you for job interviews


We will jointly find suitable training companies with training for you


You can reach up to 1,200 member companies with one application through us

T&C | Ausbildung [DS:Gen=New DS:VermInf]

Wir unterstützen dich bei der Suche nach dem passenden Ausbildungsbetrieb in der Region Karlsruhe, im Landkreis Rastatt und im Stadtkreis Baden-Baden – nimm unverbindlich Kontakt zu uns auf.
Wer bist du?
Um den idealen Betrieb für dich zu finden, brauchen wir ein paar Informationen über dich. Wenn du möchtest, kannst du hier deinen Lebenslauf oder deine vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen in einer PDF-Datei hochladen.
Einwilligung und Senden

Mit Absendung Ihrer Daten erklären Sie Ihre Einwilligung darin, dass wir diese in dem in unseren Datenschutzhinweisen genannten Umfang (vgl. Kontaktformular und E-Mail Kontakt) zum Zweck der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage verarbeiten und Sie auf demselben Kommunikationsweg kontaktieren dürfen.

Überdies verarbeiten wir die Daten aufgrund berechtigten Interesses. Wir löschen die Daten, wenn Ihr Anliegen erkennbar endgültig erledigt ist, die Einwilligung widerrufen wird bzw. Sie wirksam der weiteren Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten durch uns widersprechen.

Weitere Informationen dazu erhalten Sie in unseren Datenschutzhinweisen.

Applicant office hours 

Additionally, we offer office hours every Tuesday morning (with prior registration) for applicants. Here we can answer all your questions about IT- and commercial jobs, application documents, the selection process and Job interviews. You can find us in the „old Maltplant of the Hoepfner Castle“ (Altes Malzwerk der Hoepfner Burg) Haid-und-Neu-Straße 18, 76131 Karlsruhe. To make an appointment please send us an E-Mail at:

Skilled occupations

We place trainees in these professions in our over 1,200 member businesses from qualified IT specialists and business professionals to media designers.  

  • Qualified IT specialist in application development
  • Computer specialists in Data and process analysis
  • Computer specialists in Digital networking
  • Computer specialists in Systems Integration
  • Businessman/woman Office Management
  • Businessman/woman Digitisation management
  • Businessman/woman E-Commerce
  • Businessman/woman IT system management
  • Media Designer Digital and Print / Image and Sound
  • Electronic engineer for automation technology
  • IT system electronics technician

Qualified IT specialist in application development

(Kopie 7)

Do you take the word "nerd" as a compliment? Your passion is programming and planning and developing your own software is fun? Then your position to train for is a qualified IT specialist for application development.

You are always in step with the times in this profession, can contribute ideas and programme innovative, user-friendly software for your customers.

An overview of the job

  • You develop and programme customer-specific software
  • You develop and programme customer-specific software
  • You adjust existing applications and improve operating interfaces
  • You find and eliminate errors in software and programmes
  • You advise and train software users

Possible assignment

  • Software companies
  • Web agencies
  • IT departments in large businesses
  • Software consultancy companies 


  • Good secondary school level certificate or higher education qualification, initial study experience welcome
  • Good grades in mathematics and English
  • Analytical thinking and good understanding of mathematical and technical subjects
  • Knowledge of at least one programming language from school, leisure and placements
  • Ability to take the initiative as well as communication and teamwork skills 

Are you interested?

Then send us your application to:

IT officer (Kopie 1)

Do you think of an operating system when you hear the word "penguin"? Would you like to deal with problems and solutions in the IT field on a daily basis? Then training as an IT officer is right for you.

You are a competent contact partner for IT topics within your company and nothing would work without you! The training gives you a lot of variety and a good basis for your future. 

An overview of the job

  • Analysis of problems and task creation in the IT field
  • Advising and supporting specialist departments
  • Determining needs and procuring hardware and software
  • Creating documentation and documents for user training

Possible assignments

  • Software companies
  • IT departments in large businesses
  • Software consultancy companies


  • Good secondary school level certificate or A level, initial study experience welcome
  • You have initial experience of the IT sector from school, placements and leisure
  • You think analytically and are solution-orientated  
  • You have planning and organisational skills
  • You enjoy teamwork and economic connections  

Are you interested? 

Then send us your application to:

IT officer (Kopie 2)

Sicherheit steht bei Dir an erster Stelle?

Viren, Trojaner, Ransomware - es gibt viele Bedrohungen für Computer und Netzwerke. Wenn Sicherheit dein zweiter Vorname ist und Du dich schon immer für CyberSecurity und IT-Systeme interessiert hast, dann ist der Ausbildungsberuf Fachinformatiker/in für Digitale Vernetzung der richtige für Dich! Unternehmen sind auf die Verfügbarkeit und Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme angewiesen. Durch deine Tätigkeit schützt Du deinen Arbeitgeber vor Schaden und trägst somit zur Handlungsfähigkeit des Unternehmens bei.


  • Systeme und Anwendungen vernetzen und optimieren
  • Netzwerkinfrastruktur sichern und schützen
  • Systemausfälle verhindern oder schnellstmöglich beheben


  • Gute Mittlere Reife oder Abitur
  • Gute Noten in Mathematik und Englisch
  • Analytisches Denkvermögen
  • Mathematisch-technisches Verständnis
  • Erste Erfahrungen mit mit Hardware und Netzwerken

Interessiert? Melde dich bei uns!

Cyberforum e. V.

Qualified IT specialist in system integration

Dein Computer und du...

...ihr seid die besten Freunde? Du kennst das Innere deines PC wie deine Westentasche? Systemfehler bringen dich nicht ins Schwitzen, denn du hast fast immer eine Lösung parat? Mach dein Hobby zum Beruf und werde Fachinformatiker/in für Systemintegration. Eine Ausbildung in der IT-Branche ist vielfältig, dynamisch und bietet dir beste Zukunftschancen.


  • IT-Systeme planen, installieren und konfigurieren
  • Fehlerquellen systematisch aufspüren und beheben
  • Mitarbeiter und Kunden unterstützen und schulen


  • Gute Mittlere Reife oder Abitur
  • Gute Noten in Mathematik und Englisch
  • Analytisches Denkvermögen
  • Mathematisch-technisches Verständnis
  • Kenntnisse im Bereich Hardware, Netzwerk und Computersysteme
  • Teamfähigkeit und freundliches Auftreten

Interesse? Melde dich bei uns!

CyberForum e.V.

IT officer (Kopie 1)

Do you think of an operating system when you hear the word "penguin"? Would you like to deal with problems and solutions in the IT field on a daily basis? Then training as an IT officer is right for you.

You are a competent contact partner for IT topics within your company and nothing would work without you! The training gives you a lot of variety and a good basis for your future. 

An overview of the job

  • Analysis of problems and task creation in the IT field
  • Advising and supporting specialist departments
  • Determining needs and procuring hardware and software
  • Creating documentation and documents for user training

Possible assignments

  • Software companies
  • IT departments in large businesses
  • Software consultancy companies


  • Good secondary school level certificate or A level, initial study experience welcome
  • You have initial experience of the IT sector from school, placements and leisure
  • You think analytically and are solution-orientated  
  • You have planning and organisational skills
  • You enjoy teamwork and economic connections  

Are you interested? 

Then send us your application to:

IT officer (Kopie 2)

Do you think of an operating system when you hear the word "penguin"? Would you like to deal with problems and solutions in the IT field on a daily basis? Then training as an IT officer is right for you.

You are a competent contact partner for IT topics within your company and nothing would work without you! The training gives you a lot of variety and a good basis for your future. 

An overview of the job

  • Analysis of problems and task creation in the IT field
  • Advising and supporting specialist departments
  • Determining needs and procuring hardware and software
  • Creating documentation and documents for user training

Possible assignments

  • Software companies
  • IT departments in large businesses
  • Software consultancy companies


  • Good secondary school level certificate or A level, initial study experience welcome
  • You have initial experience of the IT sector from school, placements and leisure
  • You think analytically and are solution-orientated  
  • You have planning and organisational skills
  • You enjoy teamwork and economic connections  

Are you interested? 

Then send us your application to:

IT officer (Kopie 3)

Do you think of an operating system when you hear the word "penguin"? Would you like to deal with problems and solutions in the IT field on a daily basis? Then training as an IT officer is right for you.

You are a competent contact partner for IT topics within your company and nothing would work without you! The training gives you a lot of variety and a good basis for your future. 

An overview of the job

  • Analysis of problems and task creation in the IT field
  • Advising and supporting specialist departments
  • Determining needs and procuring hardware and software
  • Creating documentation and documents for user training

Possible assignments

  • Software companies
  • IT departments in large businesses
  • Software consultancy companies


  • Good secondary school level certificate or A level, initial study experience welcome
  • You have initial experience of the IT sector from school, placements and leisure
  • You think analytically and are solution-orientated  
  • You have planning and organisational skills
  • You enjoy teamwork and economic connections  

Are you interested? 

Then send us your application to:

IT officer (Kopie 4)

Do you think of an operating system when you hear the word "penguin"? Would you like to deal with problems and solutions in the IT field on a daily basis? Then training as an IT officer is right for you.

You are a competent contact partner for IT topics within your company and nothing would work without you! The training gives you a lot of variety and a good basis for your future. 

An overview of the job

  • Analysis of problems and task creation in the IT field
  • Advising and supporting specialist departments
  • Determining needs and procuring hardware and software
  • Creating documentation and documents for user training

Possible assignments

  • Software companies
  • IT departments in large businesses
  • Software consultancy companies


  • Good secondary school level certificate or A level, initial study experience welcome
  • You have initial experience of the IT sector from school, placements and leisure
  • You think analytically and are solution-orientated  
  • You have planning and organisational skills
  • You enjoy teamwork and economic connections  

Are you interested? 

Then send us your application to:

IT officer (Kopie 5)

Do you think of an operating system when you hear the word "penguin"? Would you like to deal with problems and solutions in the IT field on a daily basis? Then training as an IT officer is right for you.

You are a competent contact partner for IT topics within your company and nothing would work without you! The training gives you a lot of variety and a good basis for your future. 

An overview of the job

  • Analysis of problems and task creation in the IT field
  • Advising and supporting specialist departments
  • Determining needs and procuring hardware and software
  • Creating documentation and documents for user training

Possible assignments

  • Software companies
  • IT departments in large businesses
  • Software consultancy companies


  • Good secondary school level certificate or A level, initial study experience welcome
  • You have initial experience of the IT sector from school, placements and leisure
  • You think analytically and are solution-orientated  
  • You have planning and organisational skills
  • You enjoy teamwork and economic connections  

Are you interested? 

Then send us your application to:

Digital & print media designer (Kopie 1)

No matter whether it is a flyer, poster, website or even a music video, as a digital and print media designer you can conceptualise and design all of this and more. Your main work tool is the computer and different software.

If you are looking for multifaceted training in which you are continuously further training and can live out your creativity, a job as a media designer is right for you.

An overview of the job

  • You advise customers, calculate and create offers
  • You carry out project visualisations and presentations
  • You technically apply creative ideas on the PC
  • You design a variety of media according to customer wishes 

Possible assignments

  • Advertising agencies
  • Publishers
  • Printers


  • Good secondary school level certificate or higher education qualification, initial study experience welcome
  • You are communicative and customer-oriented
  • You understand quickly and learn easily
  • You enjoy using computers and media
  • Your work samples prove your artistic ability and technical know-how

Are you interested?

Then send us your application to:

IT system sales specialist

Are you unable to decide between technical and business training? Are you already enthused by everything to do with computers in your private life? Enjoy the best of both worlds and become an IT system sales specialist.

This is very varied and customer-orientated IT training. You are, amongst other things, responsible for advising customers and procuring hardware and software. 

An overview of the job

  • You professionally advise customers on planning and procuring IT products
  • You analyse customer demands and procure suitable solutions 
  • You create and calculate offers as well as financing offers
  • You support the installation, start-up and handover of IT systems

Possible assignments

  • Software companies
  • IT departments in large businesses
  • Software consultancy companies 


  • Good secondary school level certificate or higher education qualification, initial study experience welcome
  • You have initial experience of IT fields from school, placements and leisure
  • You think analytically and are solution-oriented
  • You have planning and organisational skills
  • You enjoy advising customers and economic connections

Are you interested?

Then send us your application to :

The application: You need these documents 

Have you chosen to train in one of the above-mentioned professions? Then apply to us with an application letter, CV and certificates. We will also need a list of your PC and programming knowledge. 

If you apply for training as a media designer, we will need some samples of your work (for example drawings, image processing, flyer, homepage etc.) so that we can judge your creativity. 

Please send us your application documents as PDF data (max. 5MB) to: 

The application round

If your application has convinced us, then you take part in a selection process with other applicants. A placement test is carried out and an initial personal meeting is facilitated. 

CyberForum job interview

You have passed the application round successfully? Congratulations! A job interview with us at CyberForum follows in which you can convince us why you are the right trainee for us and why you are enthusiastic about the world of IT. If you are also successful in these tasks, we will create an application profile and forward it to our member businesses who can then contact you. 

The job interview at the business

You are almost there! Your applicant profile has convinced them and the company invites you to a job interview. We have our fingers crossed for you!

Weiterbildung: Vom Auszubildenden zum Doktoranden

Du möchtest dir auch mit einer Ausbildung die Möglichkeit eines Studiums offen halten? Eine Ausbildung kann der erste Schritt in Richtung akademische Laufbahn sein. Durch Weiterbildungen kannst du dich über den Weg einer beruflichen Ausbildung bis zum Master-Studium qualifizieren.

Du willst mehr erfahren? Hier findest du einen Überblick über deine Möglichkeiten zur Weiterbildung und wie du diese finanzieren kannst.
